Personal Transformation Through Meditation and Qigong

This is an opportunity for us to use practical and effective tools to explore areas of personal or spiritual growth where you may feel stuck.

Drawing on Taoist meditation, qigong, and the Cultivating Mindful Compassion curriculum, we’ll dive into conversations about self-appreciation, self-acceptance, self-compassion, compassion for loved ones, and compassion for people we find to be difficult. 

Connect to your internal energy through the use of qigong.

Compassion arises from an awareness of distress in self or others, an emotional resonance with that distress, and a desire to take action to help alleviate the distress.

The benefits of compassion meditation are profound. You will find contentment and a sense of joy that radiates outward to your loved ones, friends, and co-workers.

A compassionate and accepting attitude toward self and others noticeably reduces distress and builds a strong foundation of resilience. Being willing to fully appreciate and embrace who you are—right now at this moment—is critical to your wellbeing.

This sense of self-appreciation and self-compassion allows you to sustainably be present with and available for others.

Compassion Meditation Coaching helps you contemplate how you show up in the world and supports you in connecting with and actualizing your best life.

Are you comfortable in your own skin? How do you work with your inner critic? Are you able to set healthy boundaries?

Compassion Meditation Coaching combines the essence of compassion, mindfulness, and meditation with an awareness of our internal energy (qi). We explore methods of intentionally choosing and deepening our connection with our higher self, self-acceptance, self-appreciation, and compassion for self and others

We explore ways to cultivate a vibrant, authentic, positive life through instruction, discussion, meditation, and practical techniques. This, in turn, allows us to better relate to ourselves and others.

Transformation Through Compassion Meditation May Help You:

Integrate mindfulness and self-compassion practices into everyday life.
  • ✨ Compassionately engage your inner critic by embracing acceptance for self and others
  • ✨ Enhance vitality and health by recognizing and harmonizing with your body’s natural energy flow
  • ✨ Strengthen your ability to be present and resilient in the face of difficulty, responding rather than reacting when facing chronic or unexpected illness or physical injury or stress
  • ✨ Reduce rumination by settling your mind, expanding awareness of the current moment, and cultivating positive thoughts when feeling powerless or stuck 
  • ✨ Integrate mindfulness and self-compassion practices into everyday life and connect with the longings of your heart and soul
  • ✨ Make heart-based decisions about life changes such as a job, career, or relationship
  • ✨ Lean into a crisis of the spirit, helping you find your purpose or a sense of peace and direction
  • ✨ When you or someone close to you is facing end-of-life issues 
  • ✨ When you grieve the loss of a loved one
  • ✨ Deepen your Taoist meditation practice by teaching the fundamentals of sitting in stillness, connecting with your higher self, and connecting to the source of life in all things—a minimum of 6 sessions

The resulting benefits include:

Compassion Meditation Mentorship with Amy Pattee Colvin helps you grow into a place of self-acceptance and contentment.
  • ✨ Reducing criticism and judgment for self and others through enhanced acceptance and compassion
  • ✨ Releasing mental or emotional blocks by moving toward peace, resilience, and creativity while dissolving anxiety and depression
  • ✨ Increasing your capacity to authentically engage, communicate, and collaborate in relationships, both at home and at work
  • ✨ Reinforcing your self-awareness, your ability to stay present, and the strength to make appropriate choices when feeling overwhelmed
  • ✨ Deeping your spiritual connection with your higher self and the spiritual source outside yourself. 

What to expect when working with me:

Compassion Meditation Coaching leads to joy
  • ✨ I will listen attentively and compassionately, focusing on your stated needs.
  • ✨ I will use all my resources, including intuitive skills and instruction in meditation and qigong techniques, to help you uncover your best course of action.
  • ✨ Suggested guided meditation audio tracks or qigong exercises to help you cultivate kindness, empathy, acceptance, and compassion.
  • ✨ Real-world informal practices to help you maintain daily compassionate thoughts and actions and deepen your spiritual connection.
  • ✨ All sessions and personal information are completely confidential.
  • ✨ This work is not meant to substitute for medical or other professional psychological interventions.
  • ✨ Sessions are conducted via Zoom.

Let me help you shift into a life of joy and spiritual connection and out of a place where your inner critic manages your life or if you consistently carry an invisible backpack of self-recrimination. You will be guided into a place where you become comfortable in your skin, knowing how to embrace and work with your inner critic. You can finally put down that invisible backpack, soften your heart, and engage with spirit. Open yourself to the beauty of YOU!

Clients who work with me stand up and shine, knowing they are enough—and perhaps stronger and more capable than they ever imagined.

Amy is an excellent teacher who recognizes personal goals and then is able to structure a program to focus on them. My multi-week study with Amy significantly exceeded my expectations. 

Amy’s focus in meditation is on the energy within yourself rather than just trying to clear your mind. By concentrating on your internal energy, your mind clears naturally. Using this approach, I found it much easier to maintain my focus while meditating, as well as to achieve a deeper state of meditation. I recommend working with Amy as a coach and teacher to either begin or advance your meditation practice.


    Two options are available:

    • One-at-a-time consultations for $150 per session
    • Six-week deep dive transformation program or meditation instruction for $750
    • All sessions are 60-minutes
    • ✨ Payment may be made by credit card or Venmo

    Ready to get going? Email me at, and let’s chat about what you’re looking for and a good time to meet.

    Not yet sure if this is the right fit? If you still have questions, email me with a specific question or two. 

    * My services are not a substitute for professional medical or psychological modalities but can complement those interventions.

    Success Story:

    Her journey to self-appreciation began in Peru.

    Erin decided to invest in herself and signed up for my meditation & qigong retreat to Peru. We had never met, but a friend of hers who had taken a multi-week course with me was going and suggested she join us. She knew about meditation but hadn’t really practiced regularly and didn’t know what to expect.

    She didn’t consciously realize that she was being hard on herself in some areas of life. She didn’t have an inkling that spending time in meditation and practicing qigong might completely transform her self-confidence.

    During the ten days we spent together in Peru, Erin had some emotional “ah-ha” moments. She explored her emotions about past experiences in a safe, supportive environment where we had daily conversations about acceptance and compassion for herself and others.

     At the end of the retreat, she wanted to continue to work with the tools I shared, and she signed up for Compassion Meditation Coaching. I recently received this message from her:

    “I loved working with you privately. Our conversations, combined with your guided meditations, really helped me deal with some uncomfortable stuff…stuff I hadn’t realized I was still carrying. The pack I used for carrying my self-critic is much lighter now, and I look forward to what else is revealed. I feel more confident in myself and my intuition. I’ve gained another level of trust in myself. Thanks for sharing your gift and talent!”

    Her attitude at work has shifted, her perspective on some essential relationships in life has shifted, and most of all, she now recognizes that even though her opinions and outlook may be different than others, that difference doesn’t mean her viewpoints are invalid.

    And she was so excited about learning about herself and exploring the world that she reserved a spot at a retreat the following year. 

    Success stories like Erin’s are why I love sharing my work. My own life has been transformed by the compassion meditation I’ve learned and practiced as well as incorporating the energy flow that comes with qigong. I want to help others grow and evolve as well.

    Maybe you know friends or loved ones who want to befriend their inner critics or become more comfortable in their skin. If you do, please let them know there is hope. Share this story and see if they’d like to connect with me. I’d love to hear about their challenges and help them create a plan to fully embrace themselves just as they are.

    Ready to get going?

    Email me at to discuss timing and payment.